April 11th – 13th 2025
Workshops and Drop in-classes
Teaching for two decades Jules Febre is dedicated to sharing the transformative power of yoga with students of all levels. With a passion for understanding yoga in a modern context and how it relates to an engaged and meaningful life, Jules strives to create an inclusive and welcoming environment in every class. We are truly so excited to have him back in Stavanger!
Jivamukti Tribe Gathering
29.mai – 1. juni 2025
Jivamukti Tribe Gathering er en fire dagers yogafestival med de fremste Jivamukti-lærerne fra hele verden. For aller første gang ønsker Stavanger det verdensomspennende yogasamfunnet velkommen til denne årlige samlingen med yogapraksis, chanting, meditasjon og satsang.
8.mars 2025
kl.11:00 – 17:00
~ med Susanne Falch
Velkommen til en lærerik og meningsfull samling. Dette er en invitasjon til å utforske stillhet – som en tilstand av ro og klarhet, og som kjernen i din essens, din sanne natur.
Advanced Board Preperation Workshop for
Jivamukti Yoga Teachers
~ with Tone Haugland and Conor Byrnes
Sunday June 1 2025
16:00 – 19:00
This workshop serves as a refresher for all 75h/300h/800h/Advanced Certified Jivamukti Teachers as well as an excellent introduction to the advanced board exam, or preparing yourself becoming and being a mentor..
Every Year Jivamukti Yoga offers the «Teacher Training Experience» in the following forms:
«Immersions» (no certification), 75 Hour Teacher Training (NEW!), the «Jivamukti Yoga 300 Hour One-Month, 800 Hour Teacher Apprenticeship & Advanced Certification.