Jivamukti Yoga with Lady Ruth

Jivamukti Yoga Weekend with Lady Ruth
Stavanger, 27.-29. March 2020
We are so delighted and honoured to once again welcome Senior Advanced Certified Jivamukti Teacher Ruth Lauer-Manenti from New York.
Ruth – by her students and fans affectionately called ‘Lady Ruth’ because of her immense commitment and love – is one of the most experienced yoga teachers within the Jivamukti Yoga method. She has studied close with the founders, Sharon Gannon and David Life, for almost three decades, and she is also an acclaimed writer and artist.
This is Lady Ruth’s forth visit to us since the first visit in 2008. Don’t miss out on this chance to practice Jivamukti Yoga with a true master – the ‘real deal’ so to say…
Friday March 27th
17:00 – 19:00 Jivamukti Open extended class
Saturday March 28th
11:00 – 13:30 Jivamukti Yoga Workshop: Hip Opening
Slow moving Jivamukti vinyasa style with emphasis on alignment, mindful movements and transitions, breath awareness, and working within a quiet focused atmosphere. Challenging and safe for all levels.
14:30 – 16:15 Lecture: Bhagavad Gita
Lecture on selected verses from the Bhagavad Gita with the focus on how this old text is relevant to us today providing guidance to the moederen busy yogi on the spiritual path.
Sunday March 29th
10:00 – 12:30 Jivamukti Yoga Workshop: Backbending
Slow moving Jivamukti vinyasa style with emphasis on alignment, mindful movements and transitions, breath awareness, and working within a quiet focused atmosphere. Challenging and safe for all levels.
12:45-14.00 Q&A
Bring questions about yoga and/or Jivamukti Yoga, our lineage etc.
No question is too small or unimportant.
Drop in Prices:
Drop in Friday Class: 375,- NOK/ 200,- NOK for members with subscription/ or 2 klipp.
Workshop Saturday: 550,- NOK. 10 % discount to members with subscription
Lecture Saturday: 350,- NOK. 10 % discount to members with subscription
Workshop Sunday: 550,- NOK. 10 % discount to members with subscription
Full Weekend Prices:
Visitors and non-members:
The whole Weekend: 1825,- NOK. Buy now!
Includes all classes, workshops and lecture. Food and accommodation not included.
Members with subscription:
The whole Weekend: 1505,- NOK. Buy now!
Includes all classes, workshops and lecture. Food and accommodation not included.
For booking the Drop in Class Friday 27.th,
Register here
Want to use “klippekort” Friday 27.th (2 klipp), please email us: post@jivamuktiyoga.no
Booking single workshops & lecture, Register here!
Ruth Lauer-Manenti started practicing yoga in her early 20’s after a serious car accident. She soon after went to India to take part in the Shivananda Teachers Training course. She later met Sharon Gannon and David Life and became a student of theirs and later a teacher of their method. Ruth is an advanced certified Jivamukti Yoga teacher and has facilitated several Teachers Training Courses in the US and in India. Ruth has made many trips to India studying with Sri K Pattabhi Jois and his daughter Saraswati and grandson Sharath and has written permission from Sri K Pattabhi Jois to teach the primary and intermediate astanga yoga series as taught by Sri K Pattabhi Jois and his family. Ruth is also a Sanskrit student of Dr. M S Jayashree and Professor HV Rao. Ruth teaches Jivamukti Yoga in the US, China, Japan, India, Australia, The Czech Republic and through out Europe.
Ruth has written three books An Offering of Leaves, Sweeping the Dust and Fell In Her Hands all published by Lantern Books.
She is also an artist, to view her work please visit www.RuthLauerManenti.com